57 research outputs found

    SLM simulation and MonteCarlo path tracing for computer-generated holograms

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    Computer holography is a growing research field that must pay attention to two main issues concerning computing effort: the visualization of a 3D virtual scene with photo-realistic quality and the bottleneck related to hologram digitizalition and visualization limits. This work shows a computational approach based on a Monte Carlo path-tracing algorithm, which accounts for both geometrical and physical phenomena involved in hologram generation, and, therefore, makes a feasible estimation of computing time costs. As these holograms also require yet unavailable visualization devices, their behavior needs to be simulated by computer techniques

    Partial Monte Carlo sampling for computer generated holograms

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    CGH is considered as the key technology to integrate synthetic 3D imaging to get best photo-realistic rendering quality and optimum viewing experience. We present a partial Monte Carlo sampling algorithm that uses a random subset of rays for the calculation of the CGH, reducing the computational cost. The similarity of the images obtained from the CGH with respect to the original one is evaluated as a function of the image resolution and the percentage of rays used. The results obtained are presented for both simulation and experimental set-up

    Enseñanza de sistemas empotrados: De Arduino a Raspberry Pi

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    Paradigmas como Cyber-physical Systems (CPS) e Internet of Things (IoT) han aumentado la importancia de los sistemas empotrados. En muchos casos estos requieren el uso de completos computadores en vez de sencillos computadores basados en microcontroladores. Esto aumenta el nivel de complejidad de las asignaturas que imparten dicha materia, especialmente para alumnos con menores conocimientos de programación. En este trabajo se propone un modelo de programación para Raspberry Pi basado en Arduino, que ha empezado a utilizarse durante este curso, con el fin de disminuir en parte la indicada complejidad.Paradigms such as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT) have increased the importance of embedded systems. In many cases these require complete computers instead of simple microcontroller-based computers. This increases the complexity level of the subjects on the matter, especially for students with lower programming skills. This paper presents a programming model based on the Arduino for Raspberry Pi platform that it has been used this year, in order to hide some of this complexity

    A theoretical reflection on smart shape modeling

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    This paper presents, as far as the authors are aware, a complete and extended new taxonomy of shape specification modeling techniques and a characterization of shape design systems, all based on the relationship of users’ knowledge to the modeling system they use to generate shapes. In-depth knowledge of this relationship is not usually revealed in the regular university training courses such as bachelor’s, master’s and continuing education. For this reason, we believe that it is necessary to modify the learning process, offering a more global vision of all the currently existing techniques and extending training in those related to algorithmic modeling techniques. We consider the latter to be the most powerful current techniques for modeling complex shapes that cannot be modeled with the usual techniques known to date. Therefore, the most complete training should include everything from the usual geometry to textual programming. This would take us a step further along the way to more powerful design environments. The proposed taxonomy could serve as a guideline to help improve the learning process of students and designers in a complex environment with increasingly powerful requirements and tools. The term “smart” is widely used nowadays, e.g. smart phones, smart cars, smart homes, smart cities... and similar terms such as “smart shape modeling”. Nowadays, the term smart is applied from a marketing point of view, whenever an innovation is used to solve a complex problem. This is the case for what is currently called smart shape modeling. However, in the future; this concept should mean a much better design environment than today. The smart future requires better trained and skilled engineers, architects, designers or technical students. This means that they must be prepared to be able to contribute to the creation of new knowledge, to the use of innovations to solve complex problems of form, and to the extraction of the relevant pieces of intelligence from the growing volume of knowledge and technologies accessible today. Our taxonomy is presented from the point of view of methods that are possibly furthest away from what is considered today as “intelligent shape modeling” to the limit of what is achievable today and which the authors call “Generic Shape Algorithm”. Finally, we discuss the characteristics that a shape modeling system must have to be truly “intelligent”: it must be “proactive” in applying innovative ideas to achieve a solution to a complex problem

    A semantic memory bank assisted by an embodied conversational agents for mobile devices

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    Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that causes memory loss and interferes with intellectual abilities seriously. It has no current cure and therapeutic efficiency of current medication is limited. However, there is evidence that non-pharmacological treatments could be useful to stimulate cognitive abilities. In the last few year, several studies have focused on describing and under- standing how Virtual Coaches (VC) could be key drivers for health promotion in home care settings. The use of VC gains an augmented attention in the considerations of medical innovations. In this paper, we propose an approach that exploits semantic technologies and Embodied Conversational Agents to help patients training cognitive abilities using mobile devices. In this work, semantic technologies are used to provide knowledge about the memory of a specific person, who exploits the structured data stored in a linked data repository and take advantage of the flexibility provided by ontologies to define search domains and expand the agent’s capabilities. Our Memory Bank Embodied Conversational Agent (MBECA) is used to interact with the patient and ease the interaction with new devices. The framework is oriented to Alzheimer’s patients, caregivers, and therapists

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema de control remoto basado en Raspberry para una maqueta de un vehículo oruga.

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    El presente trabajo de fin de grado consiste en el diseño e implementación de un sistema de control remoto basado en RaspberryPi para una maqueta de un vehículo oruga utilizando las herramientas aprendidas a lo largo de la carrera. Se ha utilizado la plataforma RaspberryPI como sistema de control, donde se controla tanto el movimiento del vehículo como la retrasmisión de imágenes. Para el control de los motores se ha utilizado el microcontrolador MC9S08QG8. Para el control de la potencia transmitida a los motores se ha utilizado el integradoL293D. La estructura mecánica del vehículo se ha construido en marquetería, lo que permite no elevar el peso del vehículo. Gracias a la comunicación wifi el control remoto puede realizarse desde un Smartphone o un pc

    Industria 4.0 en el Grado de Ingeniería Electrónica y Automática.

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    Recientemente ha surgido el término Industria 4.0 aplicado a factorías que pretenden ser más ágiles y eficientes en sus procesos de manufactura. Esta agilidad y eficiencia es posible por el uso masivo de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. En este trabajo se analizan planes de estudio del Grado de Ingeniería Electrónica y Automática de varias universidades del estado, comprobando que estos titulados pueden no recibir los conocimientos en el ámbito de la informática necesarios para su desempeño profesional en esta nueva industria. Ante este hecho, se proponen algunos cambios en materias obligatorias y optativas en estos planes.The term Industry 4.0 has recently emerged applied to factories that deal with more agile and efficient manufacturing processes. This agility and efficiency is possible by the widespread use of information and communications technologies. This paper analyses the curriculum of Electrical Engineering and Automation Degree at several universities in the state, proving that these graduates can not receive the necessary knowledge on computer science for their professional performance in this new industry. In view of this fact, some changes are proposed on both obligatory and optative subjects of these degrees

    Desarrollo e implementación de un cuadricóptero

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    Elaboración de un prototipo de cuadricóptero con un sistema de control de estabilidad automático y comunicado vía Wi-Fi con el punto de control. Se utiliza como plataforma de control la tarjeta Raspberry Pi. La aplicación de control se ha desarrollado sobre la plataforma COSME la cual trabaja sobre el sistema operativo modificado con características de tiempo real

    Industria 4.0 en el Grado de Ingeniería Electrónica y Automática

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    Recientemente ha surgido el término Industria 4.0 aplicado a factorías que pretenden ser más ágiles y eficientes en sus procesos de manufactura. Esta agilidad y eficiencia es posible por el uso masivo de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. En este trabajo se analizan planes de estudio del Grado de Ingeniería Electrónica y Automática de varias universidades del estado, comprobando que estos titulados pueden no recibir los conocimientos en el ámbito de la informática necesarios para su desempeño profesional en esta nueva industria. Ante este hecho, se proponen algunos cambios en materias obligatorias y optativas en estos planes.The term Industry 4.0 has recently emerged applied to factories that deal with more agile and efficient manufacturing processes. This agility and efficiency is possible by the widespread use of information and communications technologies. This paper analyses the curriculum of Electrical Engineering and Automation Degree at several universities in the state, proving that these graduates can not receive the necessary knowledge on computer science for their professional performance in this new industry. In view of this fact, some changes are proposed on both obligatory and optative subjects of these degrees.Este trabajo ha sido financiado parcialmente mediante el contrato OTRI 0079/2013 y por la Fundación Universitaria Antonio Gargallo en el Proyecto 2013/B009

    Análisis comparado de normativas de evaluación: cuestiones abiertas

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    La evaluación forma parte del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y su adaptación a las metodologías propugnadas por la declaración de Bolonia ha hecho que cambie, pasando de la evaluación por contenidos (p.e., mediante exámenes finales) a la evaluación por competencias, para la que se han propuesto distintos métodos (habitualmente en un contexto de evaluación continua), que además no tienen por qué ser excluyentes entre sí. Todo ello ha aumentado la flexibilidad de los modelos de evaluación pero también su complejidad, a la que se enfrentan profesores y alumnos. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis de las normativas de evaluación de varias universidades representativas con Grado en Ingeniería Informática. A partir del mismo se identifican una serie de cuestiones que entendemos abiertas y que deben tenerse en cuenta a la hora de establecer una normativa.The evaluation is part of the teaching-learning process of the student and its adaptation to the model advocated by the Bologna Declaration has made that it changes, moving from the evaluation of contents (by means of final exams, for example) to a model based on competence assessment. There are many methods proposed for that (usually in a context of continuous assessment), which do not have to be exclusive to each other. All this increases the flexibility of assessment models but also the complexity faced by teachers and students. This work analyses the evaluation regulations of several representative universities that offer Computer Engineering degree. So, it have been identified several issues that we consider open questions and which must be taken into account when deciding on the assessment regulations